印刷事業 印刷事业 Printing Business
金鏗印刷事業部成立於2011年,不僅擁有印刷品上游原料供應商優勢,還具備獨立的設計部門和生產基地,是柬埔寨知名的印刷包裝公司,也是柬埔寨唯一具有FSC(Forest Stewardship Council)認證的印刷公司。

- 1 各類型印刷品如:嘜頭(SHIPPING MARK)、吊牌、貼紙、紙箱、內外包裝輔料如:拷貝紙、紙卡、紙箱、紙盒、書籍、型錄等,由超過20人的印製團隊協作服務、結合自有高品質印刷廠。
- 2 配備有業界最先進的Heidelberg Druckmaschinen印刷機具,彈性配合客戶需求完成高品質、高效率的品項製作規格、數量、時限,並達到零客訴的服務特色。
- 3 技術團隊全為中國頂級印刷人才執行業務,確保品質的精確性與作業流程的完善度,提供每位客戶高質量的印刷品服務。
- 4 我們的主要服務客群以航空業、成衣製造業、製鞋業、手提袋製造業、玩具加工業、食品(加工製造)業等,有大量紙類印刷品製作需求之客戶為主。
- 5 提供他們高速且優質的印刷品輸出服務,並能在限定的合理時間內給予最符合期待的製作品質,成為柬埔寨印刷業界最富知名度的國際級印刷加工品牌。

金铿印刷事业部成立于2011年,不仅拥有印刷品上游原料供应商优势,还具备独立的设计部门和生产基地,是柬埔寨知名的印刷包装公司,也是柬埔寨唯一具有FSC(Forest Stewardship Council)认证的印刷公司。

- 1 各类型印刷品如:唛头(SHIPPING MARK)、吊牌、贴纸、纸箱、内外包装辅料如:拷贝纸、纸卡、纸箱、纸盒、书籍、型录等,由超过20人的印制团队协作服务、结合自有高品质印刷厂。
- 2 配备有业界先进的Heidelberg Druckmaschinen 印刷机具,可弹性配合客户需求,完成高品质、高效率的品项制作规格、数量、时限,并达到零客诉的服务特色。
- 3 技术执行团队全为中国顶级印刷人才,确保品质的精确与作业流程的完善度,向每位客户提供高质量的印刷品服务。
- 4 我们的主要服务客群以航空业、成衣制造业、制鞋业、手提袋制造业、玩具加工业、食品(加工制造)业等,有大量纸类印刷品制作需求之客户为主。
- 5 提供他们高速且优质的印刷品输出服务,并能在限定的合理时间内给予最符合期待的制作品质,成为柬埔寨印刷业界最富知名度的国际级印刷加工品牌。

Our philosophy
As a part of the GOLDFAME Group, which owns forest land. Goldfame Group has established a printing division for over 10 years and we are the only printing company in Cambodia that has FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification. The certification indicates that GOLDFAME Group is a printed material supplier of high ethics, who ensures that the timbers and paper products supplied are from well managed local forest lands in Cambodia. While providing high-quality printing services, we also strive for sustainable development and management of Cambodia's forestry, to show our willingness to take the biggest responsibility to provide more added value for the Cambodian public. Our products and processed products are compliant with "traceability principle".

Our features
- 1 Various types of printed materials are: Shipping Mark, tags, stickers, cardboard box, printing papers, paper cards, books, catalogs and etc. Operated by a printing team of more than 20 people combined with high-quality printing machinery.
- 2 Equipped with the most advanced Heidelberg Druckmaschinen printing machine, we can satisfy all of our customers' needs for high-quality and high-efficient productions, in larger quantity within shorter timeframe, and achieve zero customer complaint.
- 3 Our technical team consist of top printing experts from China, ensuring the consistency of quality and the completeness of the operation process, and providing each customer with high-quality printing services.
- 4 Our customers are mainly from industries such as aviation, garment manufacturing, shoe manufacturing, handbag manufacturing, toy manufacturing, food processing and customers who have a large demand for paper printing.
- 5 We provide our customers with high-speed and high-quality printing services within a reasonable timeframe, becoming the most well-known international brand in the Cambodian printing industry.

GOLDFAME Printing Division boasts a technical team composed of top printing talents from China. They focus on operational execution, ensuring the precision of every printed product and the perfection of the workflow process, thereby providing customers with high-quality printing services.
If you have any enquiries, please kindly leave your contact information. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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