傢具 家具 Furniture

通過流程精簡化、設計國際化、銷售實體化、服務人性化,Live Furniture傢俱透過效率化的產銷專業分工,最大程度節約生產與設計成本,並將價格優勢回饋給每位消費者,令客戶能用相同的價格,享受到定制化服務,挑選出適宜心儀的傢俱產品,助力其實現關於美好家的點滴形態。

- 1 擁有國內外少見自有林場、傢具製造工廠、各式硬體設備與生產流水線。
- 2 從材料的選擇與運用,到產品的設計和製造上,擁有較其他傢具品牌更獨樹一幟的特殊性與專業性。
- 3 產品包括:具高質感、高品質的傢具品項、風格強烈與設計多樣性的桃花心木傢具品項、用途廣泛且價格親民的高棉酸枝等,都是客戶愛用的首選。
- 4 經營項目包括:木質地板、木門、訂製傢具等,並經由金鏗集團內部地產銷售經營團隊的整合規劃。
- 5 以北歐風格的高品質家具為製作主力,並代理國際知名傢具品牌,經自有培育之具國際設計視野之傢具設計師、國際級頂尖製造團隊、顧客服務端之優質營銷團隊聯手,提供每位客戶最貼心的居家裝潢與空間布置上的便利性、多樣性、舒適性。
- 6 超500㎡的傢俱展覽館,是柬埔寨知名的國際傢俱品牌和設計品牌傢俱的展覽館。

通过流程精简化、设计国际化、销售实体化、服务人性化,Live Furniture家具透过效率化的产销专业分工,最大程度节约生产与设计成本,并将价格优势回馈给每位消费者,令客户能用相同的价格,享受到定制化服务,挑选出适宜心仪的家具产品,助力其实现关于美好家的点滴形态。

- 1 金铿集团家具事业部拥有国内外少见的自有林场、家具制造工厂、各式硬体设备与生产流水线。
- 2 从材料的选择与运用,到产品的设计和制造上,拥有较其他家具品牌更独树一帜的特殊与专业性。
- 3 产品包括:高质感、高品质的家具品项、风格强烈与设计多样性的桃花心木家具品项、用途广泛且价格亲民的高棉酸枝等,都是客户爱用的首选。
- 4 经营项目包括:木质地板、木门、订制家具等,并经由金铿集团内部地产销售经营团队的整合规划。
- 5 以北欧风格的高品质家具为主,并代理国际知名家具品牌,通过培育具有国际设计视野的家具设计师、国际级顶尖制造团队、顾客服务端优质营销团队的联手,向每位客户提供最贴心的居家装潢与空间布置的便利、多样和舒适。
- 6 超500㎡的家具展览馆,是柬埔寨知名的国际家具品牌和设计品牌家具的展览馆。
Our philosophy

Through streamlined processes, internationalized design, substantiated sales, and humanized service, Live Space minimizes production and design costs through efficient production, and returns the benefits to each consumer. Enabling customers to enjoy world class furniture design and quality at a lower price. You may experience the unprecedented taste and feeling of home space in the physical exhibition hall, with the guidance and explanation from our professionals to assist in furniture selection that match with your home renovation and life style, to complete your dream home.

Our features
- 1 We own forest lands, furniture manufacturing factories, production equipment and efficient production lines.
- 2 We are unique and more professional than other furniture brands in terms of selecting materials, designing and manufacturing of furnitures.
- 3 Products include: diversed designed of high-quality mahogany and Khmer rosewood furniture, which is widely used and affordable.
- 4 Our products include: wooden floor tiles, wooden doors, custom-made furniture, etc, and are planned by an experienced management team to integrate with the real estate business of Goldfame Group.
- 5 With Nordic-style high-quality furniture as the main design theme, and act as an agent of internationally renowned furniture brand, designers with their own international design vision, international top-level manufacturing teams and high-quality marketing teams on the customer service side working together to convenience, diversity and comfort in home furnishings and space layouts.
- 6 The company plans to expand its physical furniture retail shop in Cambodia with an area of over 500 sqm, to serve as a new exhibition room for large-scale display of various furniture designed by the company and many internationally renowned furniture brands.
If you have any enquiries, please kindly leave your contact information. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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